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Taxes & Company Sports Tickets

In 2018, the new US tax law completely re-wrote the rules on company sports tickets & client entertainment.

Our new whitepaper with KPMG tell you what you need to know.

Questions about the new tax law? Get our free whitepaper!


Companies need to make additional compliance efforts to keep logs and receipts with descriptions of who, what, when, where and why… With the lack of current guidance, It is especially important to track these details in order to remain in compliance and capture any potential deductions once there is additional guidance.

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TicketManager Makes Compliance Easy

Without a real ticket management system in place, companies struggle to stay compliant. See why the world’s top brands use TicketManager to make compliance easy & prove the ROI.
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Reports That You Can Trust

Get access to dozens of readymade reports from day one. See how your tickets are being used, who’s using them, and what impact they’re having on your business. No more guesswork.

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See Exactly Who's Using Your Tickets

Tickets are now going mobile-only. That means companies can see exactly who’s using their seats & suites. Our exclusive partnership with Ticketmaster means you’ll be ready for these massive changes.

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One Process For Everyone

We’ll design your new ticket request process to perfectly fit your company’s workflows. That means everyone will use a single, standardized system— no shortcuts, and nothing to explain later.

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